who we are


The Youth Manpower Mobilisation Centre is a non-governmental, nonpartisan, and non-profit organisation.

The organisation was founded in 2006 and is officially registered at the District Administration office located in Jajarkot, Karnali Province, Nepal. We have been working towards the socio-economic empowerment of the local population, particularly women, children, youth, and Dalit (the untouchables), ever since we were founded. Through training, coaching, and mentorship, we hope to empower young people and women from extremely vulnerable communities. We conduct studies with the participation of academics and researchers in the area. Through our efforts, we hope to provide them the authority to engage with the government and demand openness and accountability on things that are important to them. We work with local, state, and non-state organisations to accomplish our goals and have a positive impact. In addition, we are working to develop local infrastructure and provide humanitarian assistance. The organisation belongs to multiple networks, including Disaster Management Network Nepal and Disaster Preparedness Network Nepal. Our board is extremely diverse, with members from a range of ethnic backgrounds. Every two years, a board election is conducted to choose the executive members.

Our Vision

A capable and effectively governed CSO committed to human rights and peace sustainable development and responsible well-being of the citizen.

Our Mission

  • To work towards promotion of institutions, processes and capabilities that protects and promotes human rights and peace building
  • To promote policies for Reproductive health, care and child health, WASH and work together with stakeholders for livelihood and entrepreneurship development.
  • To build competence of citizen stakeholders to realize their economic, health, social and cultural rights for their sustainable well-being.


  • YHRMC upholds the values and norms mentioned as follows:
    Committed to upholding transparency, accountability and integrity
  • Committed to enhancing democratic tolerance and non-discrimination
  • Committed to promoting and appreciating diversity and innovation
  • Committed to promoting team work and collective spirit
  • Committed to maintain fairness and integrity through open communication and trust